header fytoprostasia volos

Plant Protection Department ( Volos )


Established in 1922 as Phytopathological Station of Volos and in 1972 was renamed Plant Protection Institute. Since early 2015 merged with other Institutes and today is the Department of Plant Protection of Volos of Institute Industrial and Forage crops.


Research in topics related to the Integrated Pest Management (insects, acari, diseases and weeds) in economically important crops. In includes studies on the biology and ecology of the pests populations as well as on methods of control with emphasis in the limited use of plant protection products (“as little as possible, as much as required”)



  • Development of Integrated Pest Management programs
  • Integrated Resistance Management to insecticides in economically important insect-pests
  • Dissemination of the research results in agriculturalists and farmers
  • Participation in national and international research projects


 Recent activities

  • Monitoring of the resistance to insecticides in populations of insect pests (aphids, lepidoptera, fruitflies) – Bioassays and molecular diagnostics
  • Development of bioassays with diagnostic doses for rapid and mass screening of insect populations
  • Evaluation of the efficacy of new insecticides and essential oils for the control of aphids
  • Examination of zucchini crops for infections from aphid-transmitted viruses (ZYMV, CMV, WMV)
  • Identification of pest species and diagnosis of diseases
  • Participation in scientific networks
  • Training students






















Galanthus A pesticide resistance database (http://galanthos.gr/)

Hellenic Entomologuical Society (http://www.entsoc.gr/site/)

IRAC - Insecticide Resistance Action Committee (http://www.irac-online.org/)

Royal Entomological Society (http://www.royensoc.co.uk/)




Dr. John T. Margaritopoulos, FRES, Senior Researcher (Researcher B), (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Special scientific staff

Mrs Polyxeni Papapetros, Chemist

Administrative staff

Mr John Christou, Accountant (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Mrs Irini Zacharopoulou, Administrative (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Technical staff

Mrs Maria Folias, Lab Technician (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)




Addrtess: Fytokou Str. 47, Volos

Postal Box: ΤΘ 1303

Postal code: 38001

Phone: +30 24210 61087

FAX: +30 24210 61038

email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Contact Us


  • Address : 1, Theofrastou str. – P.C 41335 LARISSA
  • Email : gramateia@nagref.gr
  • Tel : 2410 671290, 671300
  • Fax : 2410 671321

Institute of Industrial & Forage Plants

Some of the main objectives of the Hellenic Agricultural Organization DEMETER is the development or/and support of actions that aim to modernize and develop the agricultural sector of the country, the improvement of the productive procedures, the reinforcement of the competiveness.

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